Self Hypnosis
What is Self-Hypnosis
Self-hypnosis is a method of inducing a state of hypnosis in one’s self, without the presence of a therapist or other third party. Self hypnosis requires conscious intent and motivation followed by a process of self-guided relaxation of mental and physical processes to overcome distraction and achieve a state of focused awareness. This is very similar to the process of meditation. Alternatively, and more commonly, one can use pre-recorded instruction (CD/mp3 etc.), in order to be guided into hypnosis.
Self-hypnosis can be used purely for relaxation purposes or to achieve some form or personal developmental of therapeutic outcome. Examples range from stress and anxiety reduction to motivation and confidence building.
Self-Hypnosis Techniques
Once in a state of hypnosis, there are various techniques that can be used in order to achieve one’s goals. The most common being suggestion, affirmation and visualisation. By listening to positive suggestion in a state of hypnosis it is intended that the suggestions are taken on by the conscious and unconscious mind as facts.
In our everyday lives, we are constantly under the influence of suggestion from others. The power of suggestion is widely acknowledged by advertisers and marketers who want us to buy their products. We are constantly receiving suggestions from other people, particularly friends and family. This can affect us positively or negatively and should be of primary importance to parents and teachers because children are generally more suggestible. If you keep telling a child that he is lazy, bad or naughty there is a very good chance that he will be (or at least believe that he is). The suggestions we receive during childhood can affect us for our lifetime! We are also more receptive to suggestion when we are emotional or have low self-esteem.
The benefit of self-hypnosis is that we can control which suggestions we receive and when. If we want to feel more confident, we can choose to receive suggestions which enforce that outcome.
Advanced Techniques
Apart from suggestion, there are many other techniques that can be used during self-hypnosis. These techniques include ‘ideomotor signalling’ and ‘automatic writing’. Generally these and other more advanced techniques require some kind of conscious-unconscious dialogue and are more effective when one has experience and knowledge of hypnosis & hypnotherapy.
Never attempt self-hypnosis or listen to self-hypnosis recordings when driving, operating machinery or at any other time when your awareness is required.
Please call Central London Hypnotherapy for your free consultation on 020 7183 2717
Self-Hypnosis v Hypnotherapy - Pros and Cons
Self-Hypnosis v Hypnotherapy – Pros and Cons
One-to-one hypnotherapy offers distinct benefits over self-hypnosis when it comes to making lasting changes, however self-hypnosis also has its merits. The two methods can be used in tandem or separately to achieve the outcome you desire.
Benefits of Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy uses many techniques other than suggestion in order to achieve positive outcomes.
Hypnotherapy offers the experience and knowledge of the therapist to the client.
Hypnotherapy allows for flexibility within the session rather than adhering to strict processes.
Hypnotherapy allows for bidirectional communication between the therapist and the unconscious mind of the client. This can help to gain insight for the therapeutic process.
Hypnotherapy can facilitate a greater ‘depth’ of hypnosis for the client.
Hypnotherapy is a quicker more dynamic process.
Hypnotherapy is more effective than self-hypnosis, particularly to the untrained practitioner.
Benefits of Self-Hypnosis
Self-hypnosis can be practiced when needed at a place and time that is convenient.
Self-hypnosis is a skill that once learnt, can be used for a lifetime.
Self-hypnosis needn’t be expensive. Once trained, the practitioner can create his/her own scripts and sessions.
Self-hypnosis can be a valuable adjunct to hypnotherapy and can reinforce the positive outcomes of the hypnotherapy session.
Self-hypnosis offers the opportunity to take a ‘mental and physical break’ during stressful days and difficult times.
Self-hypnosis does not rely on a third party to achieve one’s goals.
Self-hypnosis is a private affair.
Self-hypnosis is more effective when the practitioner has already experienced induced hypnosis or hypnotherapy. The practitioner will be more familiar with the process and be able to attain a greater ‘depth’ of hypnosis.
Self-hypnosis is a valuable skill to have and is one that is used by the majority of competent hypnotherapists in order to achieve their own positive outcomes.
Please call Central London Hypnotherapy for your free consultation on 020 7183 2717
Self Hypnosis Training
Self Hypnosis Training
Self-hypnosis training could truly be one of the best investments you ever make.
Many books have been written on the subject of self-hypnosis and how to use it for personal change and development. There is however no substitute to one-to-one training.
Learning self-hypnosis in a one-on-one environment allows you to experience hypnosis directly and achieve understanding of the processes that lead to change.
If you would like to learn
- Usually one session required.*
- The training session lasts two hours.
- We will look to set up unconscious signalling so that you can communicate with your unconscious mind directly without having to go in to deep trance.
- You will also be hypnotised repeatedly so that you can access a desirable depth of hypnosis at any time of your choosing.
- You will be provided with a self-hypnosis CD/mp3 before your session to help you gain maximum benefit.
- You will learn a skill that have a profound impact on the rest of your life.
- Price of self-hypnosis training = £300
- Hypnosis is an entirely natural, highly relaxing state of awareness. At the end of the session you will feel refreshed and energised.
* Further sessions may be required if there are underlying psychological factors that you wish to address or if you require further training.
Please call 020 7183 2717 for your free consultation or click here to request a call-back.