Tim Dunton is an Advanced Hypnotherapist, Master Practitioner of NLP and Coach. He is also Director of Central London Hypnotherapy.

What is Hypnosis? What is Hypnotherapy?


Please scroll down to find out what hypnosis and hypnotherapy are or alternatively, why not book your free consultation?

I will be delighted to help you.

Please call me to learn more on 020 7183 8342


Conscious Mind and Unconscious Mind

Conscious Mind and Unconscious Mind

Firstly, the nature of mind and consciousness are beyond the realms of this web-page but I will attempt to simplify some terms that you will hear repeatedly during your sessions. The map is not the territory.

Conscious Mind

Your conscious mind is the part of you that is reading and understanding this information. It is the part of you that you are most familiar with, and what you would call yourself. Your conscious mind is what you wake up to in the morning, it is logical, analytical and tries to make sense of the world. Your conscious mind can be seen as a critical interface between your inner self and the outside world. Importantly, your conscious mind operates serially and does one thing at a time. Freud likened the conscious mind to the tip of the iceberg that rises 10% above the water. The unconscious and preconscious mind representing the 90% below.

Unconscious Mind (a.k.a. Subconscious)

Your unconscious mind is the abstract part of you that represents everything beyond the conscious mind. Your unconscious mind is much quicker to act than the conscious mind and can work on multiple tasks at once.

Your unconscious mind is responsible for your survival and does it’s best to protect you at all times. Your unconscious mind is the part of mind that controls your bodily functions such as heart-rate and breathing.

Remarkably, your unconscious mind can react to danger without your conscious awareness. If a threat is perceived, it can mobilise your body’s defence mechanisms without you knowing why. If your unconscious mind reacts inappropriately, it can cause a number of psychological and physiological problems including many forms of anxiety and immune disorders. Habits and automatic behaviours are formed unconsciously. Nobody chooses consciously to have a phobia, it is a maladapted, irrational unconscious response.

Your unconscious mind is also where your memories are stored and where your dreams are made. Your unconscious mind regulates emotions and gives birth to creative processes, wisdom and insight. A number of studies have shown that contrary to popular belief, unconscious decision making can be more reliable than conscious decision making. The use of the expression ‘sleep on it’ when contemplating a problem would seem to be good advice.

Your unconscious mind works for you ‘behind the scenes’ and is not limited by the serial logical processes of the conscious mind.

Please call Central London Hypnotherapy for your free consultation on  020 7183 8342

What is Hypnotherapy? What is Hypnosis?

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is an extremely relaxing trance-like state of awareness that will undoubtedly feel familiar to you. If you have ever daydreamed or meditated, you have experienced a state of mind that is quite similar to hypnosis. If you know that wonderful feeling between wake and sleep, you have a very good idea of what hypnosis feels like. Hypnosis is a subjective experience and one that you will certainly enjoy.

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a highly effective form of psychotherapy that utilises the state of hypnosis to bypass the critical conscious mind and communicate directly with the unconscious or subconscious mind. The benefits of doing so are numerous because the conscious mind has limited capacity and very little control of the unconscious mind.

Behind many physical illnesses lie psychological causes. The field of psychoneuroimmunology studies the effects of psychological processes on the immune and nervous system. There is a wealth of evidence supporting the fact that our mental and emotional state can have a profound impact on our health. Hypnotherapy allows us to communicate directly with the unconscious mind and address the causes of psychological and physical illness.

Using hypnotherapy, we can gain insight into the reasons behind our limiting behaviours, and make lasting positive changes. For example, an irrational fear may stem from a long-forgotten experience, or one that had more significance unconsciously than you realise at a conscious level. Once we have found its cause, we can work with your unconscious mind directly to replace or modify the maladaptive response.

Remember, your unconscious mind always does what it believes is best for you at all times, but of course it makes mistakes and these mistakes can be costly. Hypnotherapy allows us to offer a different perspective and promote healthier alternatives.

Hypnotherapy is not just about solving problems and overcoming illness. Hypnotherapy is also very useful in the pursuit personal development. Communicating with the unconscious mind, we can help you become the person you want to be. By creating new programmes at an unconscious level, you can become more confident, more creative, more determined or more motivated.

Using hypnotherapy to work directly with the unconscious provides tremendous advantages and allows us to initiate profound and long-lasting positive changes.



Please call Central London Hypnotherapy for your free consultation on 020 7183 8342

What happens during a hypnotherapy session?

What happens during a hypnotherapy session?

The first hypnotherapy session will usually comprise of an initial consultation. This will allow you to ask any relevant questions and put your mind at rest so you that you can gain the most from this and subsequent sessions. This consultation also gives us the opportunity to gain an in-depth knowledge of the problem or problems that you are experiencing. Gaining a thorough understanding of your circumstances and history as well as what you are looking to achieve will allow us to tailor the rest of this and future sessions to your individual needs. We do not believe in ‘one size fits all’ methods.

The rest of the first session, will give you the opportunity to experience hypnosis and prepare you for future sessions. This will usually involve instruction for focused breathing (mindfulness) and a hypnotic induction and guided instruction that you will be able to replicate when you are at home.

Further Hypnotherapy Sessions
Subsequent hypnotherapy sessions will be tailored according to your needs.

If you are experiencing, mental, emotional or physical issues, we will address the cause/s. This process may involve techniques including age-regression, and time-line therapy which allow you to access forgotten or suppressed memories (providing that your unconscious mind agrees it is ecological to do so).

Your unconscious mind will protect you at all times. If it feels that accessing certain memories will cause you more harm than good, we will simply modify your unconscious responses to those memories so that they are no longer troublesome.

Of course, not all problems have causes in the past. Sometimes our problems are simply caused by mistaken behaviours by parts of our unconscious. When this is the case, we will facilitate a process that allows those behaviours to be modified or replaced with healthier alternatives.

We will then begin a process that enables modification of any limiting beliefs that are holding you back so you can experience life fully.

We will also facilitate a process that allows you to gain insight from your unconscious mind. You may find it very liberating to find out your true purpose or what really brings you happiness. By aligning your conscious behaviour with your unconscious aspirations, you can live a life that is fulfilled and present. You can enjoy every moment of your journey!


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